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Perspective from everyday life with words to nourish your spirit and inspire healthy thinking.

Dreams do (really) come true. 3 lessons from my first public speaking opportunity.
Dreams can become real.

FEaR - what is it?
Fear - it has 677,000,000 (that's 677 million) results when typed into Google (interestingly "faith" reaps only 567,000,000 results). Why...

What I learnt from my first speaking experience at Ignite Brisbane
It has been a while since my last blog post. This doesn't mean there hasn't been anything going the contrary. I had a wonderful...

How trees can help our thinking
Trees, aren't they just amazing. We quite possibly have an unhealthy obsession with trees at Thinking Mechanics but how can we not marvel...

Passive Thinking
Hey Thinking Mechanicians - we hope you are well and you are thinking about what you are thinking about. It surprises us sometimes how in...

Self Inspiration - life transformation - 1 step at a time
I once, 17 years ago, had the immense privilege to view Everest at a proximity most do not. I traveled to Lhasa, The capital of Tibet. An...

New Year Thinking
Hi Thinking Mechanicians - it's a new year! Well, it was - in January. It has fast forward to February already. The usual bombardment of...

Developing healthy thoughts using a “Trigger Stone”
You may ask what is a “trigger stone”? Well, let's explain. Our goal with our post is to provide you with words that nourish your...

Thinking like a Sculptor
"Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it” Hi Thinking Mechanicians, We hope you are...

Do I Matter?
Hi Thinking Mechanicians, we hope you are well, and that you realise that you are a unique person who has the capabilities necessary to...
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