In our first post we talk in some detail about the revelation and "moment-in-time" that changed the Chief's life forever. Since that time life has carried on that includes changes in the Chief's life. One area that has changed as well as become important is in the area of fitness. As a result of understanding the connection between thought life and how one's life actually rolls out is the acceptance of maintaining some kind of fitness habit. One of the most basic techniques to become a mechanic of your own thinking is to get yourself moving. There is too much research that correlates physical health with mind health to make any argument against this link a hard one to win.
At Thinking Mechanics we will talk a lot in parallels. We will draw lessons regarding how we can tune our thought life based on how we behave in other areas of our lives. One such area is how we can draw a simple parallel between how we would train for physical health compared to how we train our mental health.
As a reminder - thought life, or more specifically, a thought life that empowers you as a individual to prosper is a way of life that we can all reach but many do not achieve. There are a staggering array of reasons why this happens however some of these people do not suffer the same circumstances when it applies to their physical well-being.
Thinking can be just another "muscle"
No one will question that to loose fat at some point in time an aerobic activity is necessary alongside a healthy diet (or what we at Thinking Mechanics call a way-of life which is what diet actually translates to). There is no doubt that to increase muscle mass lifting weights would be advised. There is a collective agreement that to "prosper" in your physical well-being there needs to be some training involved. Well, there is no difference to improving ones thought-life. Training is required. Much like "transforming" a body by loosing fat and/or gaining muscle the process involves a consistent effort to change what you do and the decisions you make. The exact same process applies to how we change our thought-life which has a comparable transformational result but this time on how ones life unfolds. The challenge appears when you arrive at a point of wanting to change your thinking but do not know how. What is the equivalent of going to the gym or deciding to go for a run when it comes to training your thinking?
Well, that is a question that forms the bed rock of Thinking Mechanics. Indeed it was the question that was posed by the Chief that resulted in Thinking Mechanics' birth. How do you change your thinking and how will this affect my lfe? It's a big question and we are still learning the most effective answer. What we have come to learn at Thinking Mechanics are two key elements that aids in this process;
1. Similar to making the decision to lose weight there needs to be acceptance that there is a need to change your thoughts and that something has to happen for that to occur. Seems simple but important nonetheless.
2. The first steps that a "trainee" Thinking Mechanic can begin to start doing is to observe what and how they are thinking. Literally, just observe what thoughts are coming into your head. It's a liberating exercise as you will be surprised at how many thoughts actually appear and what the contents of them is (blog post Food For Thought explores this in a bit more detail)
We will return to this topic over time and will write and speak about how we call all become better mechanics of our own thinking.
One last thought (we like thinking at Thinking Mechanics) imagine a day that we have the equivalent of the Biggest Loser, the reality TV show that takes over-weight people and follows their journey to transform their bodies. Instead the focus is mind health. A show that follows people on their journey of transforming their thinking...I wonder what would it be called - the Biggest Transformer??
Thanks for reading this. We appreciate your time and will never take it for granted.
Until the next post - think well and think good!
The Chief